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Career Clarity

Discover the clarity you need to feel

empowered and confident in your career.

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Do any of these sound familar to you?


  • You’re not satisfied at work, but don’t know what else is available.

  • You crave more meaningful work. Work that is more aligned with your talents and skillsets.

  • You sometimes feel like your career “happened to you” rather than “happened because of you.”

  • You once dreamed of a career that was purpose-driven – a career that reflected your passion.

  • That seat at the leadership table has eluded you for too long now.

  • You want your voice to be heard and your ideas to be realized in the workplace

  • Money. You DO deserve that raise.

  • I love my family and I love my career. How can I find that balance?

  • I really want to build great relationships with my staff, my colleagues, and my bosses.

  • I’m tired of not speaking my truth.

That’s where I come in. Together we determine what it is you want next in your career, whether it is the C-suite, a new job or an entirely new career. We then uncover your strengths and talents and discover your zone of genius (YOUR SUPERPOWER) to get the career you want.  Imagine having the clarity and confidence to go after it.


Yes, you read that correct. You can actually bring your whole self to the career you've envisioned.

African American Professional Career clarity

The ideal candidate for this work is

  • Willing to ask – and answer – the important questions

  • Highly motivated to figure out what’s next

  • Interested in finding meaning – and purpose – in their life and career

  • A life-long learner that is excited to explore paradigm-shifts

  • Ready to courageously tackle new challenges

Career Clarity


For 3 months, we will meet weekly (12 sessions) on a 1:1 basis to create a custom program designed to meet your desired outcomes and specific needs in this journey.

Through this coaching experience you will:

  • Delineate career options and discover new opportunities that you weren’t even aware of.

  • Uncover the skills, talents and competencies that bring the most joy and purpose to your life.

  • Identify what kind of work is meaningful to you personally

  • Discover new ways to get unstuck and understand what you really want

  • Gain an awareness of how your thoughts are affecting your relationships, decisions, and progress

  • Uncover the answer to the question, “what were you CREATED to do?”

  • Create a plan that clearly outlines your next steps in your career calling.

  • Design a blueprint for the contribution that you want to make in the world.

  • Explore your work relationships and how you can transform them tremendously.

  • Discover common thought patterns that are preventing balance in your life and work.

Book Your Free Career Consult
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