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I'm Cheryl Mell

Certified Life and Career Coach, Marine Biologist and an Executive Leader in Global Conservation.

My journey to a career in coaching started in college. I didn't realize it at the time, but everything that I would do - everything that I have done - has positioned me to be a life and career coach.


As a child, I was fascinated with marine life. By the time I could drive, my love for fish had evolved into a passion for scuba diving. After high school, I moved 1500 miles from home to study Marine Biology at the University of Miami in Florida and then returned home after graduate school to Chicago for a dream job at the Shedd Aquarium. 


Thirty years and nine promotions later, I was named Senior Vice President for Conservation at the Shedd Aquarium, Chicago. It was a tremendous honor and joy to serve at this prestigious, world-class institution.


Through my tenure at Shedd, I traveled the globe for both research and as a steward for aquatic life. The programs we initiated inspired and educated millions on the importance of global conservation. The work was rigorous and stimulating, and when I was ultimately awarded a seat at the executive table, I respectfully and enthusiastically accepted.


I have enjoyed an extraordinary career trajectory. Although my degrees were in marine biology and secondary education, my daily work required extensive business skills. I learned how to manage people – from small groups to large teams effectively. My responsibilities included HR, management, strategic leadership and planning, goal setting, marketing, fundraising and budgeting. There was always something new to learn.   


Through this work – and ultimately through my team's contribution to global conservation - I have lived my purpose and provided value to the world.  


Toward the end of my time at Shedd, I began to imagine that there might be something else for me. Another skill I could learn and master. Another contribution that I could make. 


That's when I discovered coaching.


In 2017, I enrolled in my first coaching experience and never looked back.  I loved the personal and professional growth that occurred in me with coaching.  In 2020, one month before the pandemic, I made the commitment - and the leap - to certify as a Life and Career Coach.


I believe that coaching connects us to our unlimited potential.  Through coaching, I can show others all that is available to them. 


I help my clients understand and manage their minds. I help them connect with their thoughts and emotions so that they can live big, bold, beautiful lives.  I teach them how to reach their full potential.


I help remind them what it is to be fully alive.


This is my journey and my story.  I hope you will join me!

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There is no better time than the moment we are living in today, to grab ahold of what truly makes you happy and make it a reality.

Working together, I'll help you strategize ways to reinvent your life and your career, bringing about your unique skills, values and what fills your heart with joy.


Discover your passion and purpose and chart your path forward to designing the career and life of your dreams.


I will teach you to find the answers within and help you to allow the expression of your truest desires.  


We will work through three foundational pillars to uncover and address your problem areas.


We will untangle your fears and create a new empowering belief system along with a tactical plan to get what you want in your career and your life.

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